How to order a repeat prescription




If the doctor has prescribed regular medication then you can order a repeat prescription. If you are a new patient you will need to speak to the doctor first, so that your prescription can be added to our records.

You can order your repeat medication through the following methods:

We regret we are unable to accept requests by telephone as they block the incoming telephones lines.

image of pharmacist

Your prescription will be ready for collection from reception after 2 working days, unless the doctor needs to see you. We would prefer a week’s notice if possible, this avoids many logistical issues. Make sure you attend for planned reviews with your doctor or nurse as otherwise it may not be possible to issue a repeat prescription.

The surgery is currently a non-dispensing practice but your prescription can be sent direct to a local pharmacy to enable you to collect your medication from there, about three or four days after your initial request.  If you wish your prescription to be dispensed elsewhere, or returned to you by post, please provide us with a stamped addressed envelope. 

EPS - electronic prescribing system. With the advent of the world wide web, we are able to send prescription to any local pharmacy of your choice - paperfree. This exclude certain drugs which does require paperform.